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14 de Julho de 1974
Julian visita John em Nova Iorque. Em seu estúdio particular, Paul grava o que seria conhecido como “Piano Tapes”. As músicas gravadas são “Million Miles”, “Mull Of Kintyre”, “I’ll Give You A Ring”, “Baby You Know It’s True”, “Women Kind”, “Getting Closer”, “In My Dreams”, “Rockestra Theme”, “Now That She Is Mine” (título original de “Letting Go”), “Call Me Back Again”, “Lunch Box/Odd Sox”, “Treat Her Gently/Lonely Old People”, “You Gave Me The Answer”, “Waiting For The Sun To Shine”, “She Got It Good”, “Blackpool”, “Sunshine In Your Hair”, “Girlfriend”, “I Lost My Little Girl”, “Upon A Hill”, “Sea”, “Love Is Your Road”, “Sweet Little Bird”, “Partners In Crime”, “Suicide” e “Dr. Pepper”.
Fonte: The Beatles Diary.
Por Marina Sanches.