segunda-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2016


Paul McCartney anuncia primeiros shows ao vivo de 2016.
European summer festival headline (aparências europeus festival de verão manchete) confirmada:
Domingo, 12 de Junho – Pinkpop, Holanda
quinta-feira 30 de junho – Rock Werchter, na Bélgica

Paul McCartney confirmou que ele vai a dois festivais europeus neste verão. Em junho, ele vai se apresentar no Pinkpop em Países Baixos e Rock Werchter , na Bélgica.
Falando sobre a realização de Pinkpop Paul disse: “Eu amo festival e pretendemos fechar Pinkpop com uma festa enorme. Eu não fiz um festival na Holanda antes por isso vai ser uma experiência nova e excitante para mim e para o público, para que todos possam rock juntos. Prepare-se Pinkpop nós estamos a caminho. Vê-los em junho.”

Organizador Pinkpop Jan Smeets disse: “Estou muito orgulhoso de que Sir Paul McCartney, um dos maiores artistas do mundo vai tocar no Pinkpop. Seu primeiro festival holandês. Um artista que nunca estave na nossa lista de desejos porque nunca pensei que seria mesmo possível! Um Beatle no Pinkpop, é quase inacreditável. ”
E no Rock Werchter Paul comentou: “. Nós temos nos divertido muito em diferentes festivais ao redor do mundo nos últimos anos e eu não posso esperar para chegar à Bélgica com a banda para o nosso primeiro festival lá eu ouvi tão grande coisas sobre rock.
Paul 830 - Lollapalooza Festival, Chicago - July 31, 2015 - #OutThere
Werchter então eu sei que vai ser uma grande noite de rock’n’roll e festas para se lembrar.”

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European summer festival headline appearances confirmed:

Sunday 12th June – Pinkpop, Netherlands
Thursday 30th June – Rock Werchter, Belgium

Paul McCartney has confirmed he will headline two European festivals this summer.  In June he’ll perform at Pinkpop in Netherlands and Rock Werchter in Belgium.

These appearances follow a year that saw Paul headline both Firefly and Lollapolooza in the US as well as closing the Roskilde festival in Denmark.

Speaking about performing at Pinkpop Paul said:
“I love a festival audience and we plan to close Pinkpop with a massive party. I’ve not done a festival in the Netherlands before so it will be an exciting new experience for me and for the audience, so we can all rock out together. Get ready Pinkpop we’re on our way. See you in June.”

Pinkpop organizer Jan Smeets said: “I am very proud that Sir Paul McCartney, one of the world’s greatest artists will play at Pinkpop. His first Dutch festival show ever. An artist who was never on our wish list because we never thought it would even be possible! A Beatle at Pinkpop, it’s almost unbelievable.”
And on Rock Werchter Paul commented:
“We’ve been having so much fun at different festivals around the world in recent years and I can’t wait to get to Belgium with the band for our first festival there. I’ve heard such great things about Rock Werchter so I know it’s going to be a big night of rock’n’roll and partying to remember.”

Rock Werchter boss Herman Schueremans said: “The number 1 on my wish list. Paul McCartney is one of the last really big names to be missing from our rich festival history. Sometimes such a high profile visit is purely a matter of luck. The artist must be performing and the diaries have to fit. This time it all worked out. Every generation has its McCartney classic. He has inspired so many musicians, and is still doing so today. I am looking forward to the concert.”
Por Marina Sanches – @sancmarina.

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